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Reviews and Mentions

Here is the review from The Uncarved Block on-line magazine

"Always And Everywhere" - Reviewed by The Uncarved Block (Februaury 2019)

"Essentially this is a “greatest hits” album with songs taken from previous recordings over the last few years. It is also, in a way, the ending of one chapter of the Imaginary Dreamers story so far, and the beginning of a new dawn: drummer (Dana) and bassist (Izzy) both parted company with the band in February, in order to pursue other dreams. The introduction of a new bassist and drummer promises renewed energy for 2019, with an overflowing pot of classic songs to fall back on.

The first track "Azalea" begins quietly before the whole band explodes into action leaving us in no doubt that they mean business! After an impressively powerful break and towering crescendo ending, the next song "No Regrets" continues with the same energy and relentless guitar riffing. "Changing Tide" has a punk-style beat with catchy guitar riffs and a driving bass-line. This is followed by the foot-tappingly funky "Inside Outside" that's guaranteed to get heads bopping.

Then the album delves into more melodic realms where we witness some true Imaginary Dreamers' anthems. These songs have an almost ballad-like quality without losing that edginess, and singer/song-writer/guitarist Kevin Meylemens, shows he is comfortable with many styles, that in one moment evoke an emotional response and then rock your socks off in the next! There is a fragile confidence in the lyrics which comes across in the vocals (his voice having been compared to the likes of Ian Astbury (The Cult) and David Grohl (Foo Fighters) among others) and he is not afraid to tackle the subject of love, or the tangled intricacies of the mind.

I truly feel that if "Show Your Love" and "Things To Say" had been released in the 90s they would have been instant Indie chart hits. That is not to say that ID are behind the times; on the contrary, these songs exude passion and the song-writing skills demonstrate a true reverence for this style of music whilst being fresh and contemporary. The grunge/alternative indie scene may have had it's best days in the 90s, but by my reckoning it is long overdue a revival, and it could well be the Imaginary Dreamers that finally spark the revolution!"

Published by The Uncarved Block in February 2019 by Andy W. See the original review by clicking here

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