Reviews Page
Here is a collection of reviews and mentions about Imaginary Dreamers that we want to share. We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time and effort to write about us - we always appreciate feedback.
"Civil War XVI Gig" - Gig Review by Dave from "Civil War" 31/11/23
Click here to read the review of our gig at the Hope And Anchor (Islington) by Dave Kirk, from "Civil War"
"Right Before You" - Single Review by "Tempo Stub" 20/10/23
Click here to read the review of our single for "Right Before You" by US magazine "Tempo Stub"
"No Regrets" - Single Review by "Luminous Dash" 31/08/22
Click here to read the review of our single and video for "No Regrets by Belgian magazine "Luminous Dash"
"The Unsigned Hour" - The Full Interview on CalonFM (Wrexham) 21/01/20
Click here to see the full hour-long video footage of our trip to Wales, for The Unsigned Hour radio show, hosted by Matt Winson, on CalonFM
"Sigh" - Reviewed by FV Music Blog 07/01/20
Click here to see this review of our January video release of "Sigh"
"Always And Everywhere" - Reviewed by Ear Nutrition 20/11/19
Click here to see this review of our album
"Always And Everywhere" - Reviewed by The Uncarved Block (Februaury 2019)
Click here to see this review of our album
"Always And Everywhere" - Reviewed by Lettere Dall' Underground (Italy, January 2019)
Click here to see this review of our album